Aint bad
There wasnt a lot of skating but l like how u drawed the characters.The girl is sexy.Nice job dude loved it.
Aint bad
There wasnt a lot of skating but l like how u drawed the characters.The girl is sexy.Nice job dude loved it.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked the way I drew it! :)
The animation was pretty well made in all parts and the characters and backgrounds were good too but sry for saying this.The Voice Acting if it was a voice acting was mega bad it was annoying and l rly didnt liked it.
Ya happy birthday
Ya simo is cool well thats cool.
HAHA i was nice music too.
Kind of good
l liekd the animation and how u made it keep up the good work.
Lol pretty cool guys
The animation was ok l rly liked it so whats the next TT nothing on my way.L hope so.
Nice one
That was pretty well made dude but l liked ninja gaiden more.
liked it.It was rly funny.
Hahah nice
This was awesome l liked it all ninja gaiden ya.Awesome but ti was rly short for me it was like 30 or 20 seconds for me but still awesome grapich.Idea was pretty cool made for the game ninja gaiden.
Well it was.....
Totaly stolen as l can say l think that MarcyVf and TommyVf made the idea before u dude so l can say you stole the idea and made it to an flash movie.But l liked the stopmotion.But still l think the idea is stolen.l think that it was made maybe from Mraw or Marcy and Tommy l dont know man but for me its stolen so fuck off :( LOL
Age 60
United Kingdom
Joined on 1/22/07